Boasting more than 20 years’ experience in the mechanical and electrical sector, S R Waite Group have continued to successfully expand our offering over recent years in the building services and facilities management markets.
Building Services & Facilities Management Ltd, one of three companies within the group, was incorporated in January 2014 with former Eric Wright FM Operations Director Allan Mazey joining the management team to work closely with our Directors, overseeing planned and strategic growth and diversification of our services.
October 2014 saw the recruitment and appointment of a dedicated building services Director, Iain Hughes. Iain’s appointment coupled with the organic growth of BSFM has led to further key appointments including a full time facilities admin coordinator and additions to the management and site teams.
Iain’s experience in the retail sector has enabled us to develop a one-stop fully compliant design and build shop fit and building refurbishment service. An example of a typical project can be viewed via this link to our BSFM’s Facebook page¬if_t=like¬if_id=1484904686898027&ref=m_notif
To learn more about our Building Services & Facilities Management Services please visit